You may need parallelism more than you think --------------------------------------------- - embarassingly parallel problems are common - they may be easier to solve than you think - but they also be not so trivial ;-) --- Importing files in a database ---------------------------------------------- real life example: CSV data for stock options | code | date | value |--------|------------|------ | 000000 | 2017-07-07 | 18.64 | 000001 | 2017-07-07 | 12.19 | 000002 | 2017-07-07 | 17.56 | 000003 | 2017-07-07 | 14.25 | 000004 | 2017-07-07 | 18.36 --- you may think it is dominated by I/O and that there is no benefit in parallelizing since you are writing on a single disk --- think again ----------- --- Importing sequentially ---------------------- - 2 years of data, 10,000 securities per day, 5+ M of rows, 184 MB of CSV - notice that I have no SSD and no optimizations of any kind except removing the db indices ```sql CREATE TABLE price (code VARCHAR(10), date DATE, value FLOAT); -- ALTER TABLE price ADD PRIMARY KEY (code, date); -- ALTER TABLE price DROP CONSTRAINT price_pkey; ``` - how much time do you think it will take? --- Let's try ========= --- Here is the code ```python import os, time, subprocess def import_data(path): cmd = "COPY price FROM '%s' WITH DELIMITER ','" % path['psql', '-c', cmd]) def main(datadir): t0 = time.time() n = 0 fnames = (os.path.join(datadir, f) for f in os.listdir(datadir)) for _ in map(import_data, fnames): n += 1 dt = time.time() - t0 print('Imported %d files in %d seconds' % (n, dt)) if __name__ == '__main__':['psql', '-f', 'db.sql']) # create table main('/tmp/data') ``` --- Importing in parallel --------------------- ```python import os, time, subprocess from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool def import_data(path): cmd = "COPY price FROM '%s' WITH DELIMITER ','" % path['psql', '-c', cmd]) def main(ddir): t0 = time.time() n = 0 fnames = (os.path.join(ddir, f) for f in os.listdir(ddir)) for _ in Pool().map(import_data, fnames): n += 1 dt = time.time() - t0 print('Imported %d files in %d seconds' % (n, dt)) ``` --- It takes 21s instead of 60s --- Exercises --------- - what happens if you have short csv files? - what changes if you use psycopg2 instead of psql? - it is better to use a connection per thread or a cursor per thread? - what changes if you use processes instead of threads? - how much the answers depend on the hardware you are using? - how much the answers depend on the versions of the software you are using? --- You *need* to add instrumentation to your parallelization library ------------------------------------------------------------------- this is what OpenQuake does *among many other things* --- Parallel importer using the OpenQuake libraries ```python import os, time,subprocess from openquake.baselib.performance import Monitor from openquake.baselib.parallel import Starmap from openquake.commonlib.datastore import hdf5new def import_data(path, monitor): cmd = "COPY price FROM '%s' WITH DELIMITER ','" % path['psql', '-c', cmd]) def main(datadir): t0 = time.time() n = 0 mon = Monitor('import_data', hdf5new().path) iterargs = ((os.path.join(datadir, f), for f in os.listdir(datadir)) for _ in Starmap(import_data, iterargs): n += 1 dt = time.time() - t0 print('Imported %d files in %d seconds' % (n, dt)) print('Generated %s' % mon.hdf5path) ``` --- - it used a ProcessPoolExecutor by default - but you can set OQ_DISTRIBUTE=threadpool - or OQ_DISTRIBUTE=celery - or OQ_DISTRIBUTE=no - or others --- A lot more than pool.starmap ------------------------------------- - it has monitoring and generates an .hdf5 file per calculation - it has a set of commands for inspecting performance and **data transfer** (`oq show performance`, `oq show task_info`, `oq show job_info`, `oq show task_durations:import_data|histogram`) - it does not require you to decorate the task functions --- OQ takes care of the fine points --------------------------------- - it manages properly the case of failing tasks (clean shutdown and return the traceback even if the task is running on another machine) - it uses `prctl` to kill properly the pool processes - it forks before loading data and not after - it works around a "memory leak feature" in celery - tasks have a "suicide" functionality in case you are running out of memory - ... --- Other things OpenQuake does for you ----------------------------------- - the computations are organized in a SQLite database, there are dump and restore facilities, the ability to search calculations, delete calculations... - implements a serialization protocol Python <-> hdf5 with methods `__toh5__` and `__fromh5__` - has XML read-write facilities - AccumDict - ... --- Should you download the engine? ------------------------------- - the code is on and free under the AGPL - installing it is as as simple as `pip install openquake.engine` --- However it is a framework :-( ----------------------------- --- My take on frameworks ------------------------------------- - frameworks should be written, not shipped! - shipping frameworks is most of the times bad - shipping libraries is most of the times good - shipping ideas is always good --- you are invited to steal ideas from the engine :-) --- Lessons learned/1 ------------------------ - try significant examples: an approach which is fast for small examples can fail spectacularly for large calculations - for instance, starting from an empty database is totally different than starting from a big database - performance on a cluster will be very different than on a single machine (think of 4 vs 256 connections) --- Lessons learned/2 ---------------------------------- - the data transfer is really important - pickling/unpickling can be an issue - replace Python objects and dictionaries with numpy.arrays as much as you can - running out of memory early is a good thing - a simple and fast *wrong* algorithm may be better than a complex and slow *correct* algorithm! --- Lessons learned/3 ------------------------------------- - keep the concurrency layer independent from the low level parallelization technology - all the concurrency in the engine is managed via a *(star)map* and nothing more (shared nothing architecture) - sometimes it is convenient to allow the workers to read, but do not allow them to write - profiling is good, but I do that 1% of the time - **instrument the running system instead!**