EuroPython 2017

Understanding Celery & CeleryBeat

Speaker(s) Yigit Guler

Celery is a distributed task queue for Python. Although it is most popular in the web development ecosystem, it has a wide area of usage from system management to IoT devices. With Celery, transforming a function into a task is quite easy and can add great performance & usability to the applications that we build.

This talk aims to give attendants a general overview on Celery and its uses. We will walk through the core Celery architecture by introducing key components with the help of various real-world examples. This will also lead to an understanding of the task queue systems in general. Attendants will also gain knowledge about Celerybeat; a tool that focuses on scheduling tasks.

We will be looking for the answers to the following questions:

  • What is a distributed task queue?
  • What are the main elements of Celery?
  • When should we use Celery tasks?
  • How do we use Celery Beat?

Attendants should have a basic knowledge of Python, and a minor development experience.

in on Monday 10 July at 14:00 See schedule

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