EuroPython 2017

Software Carpentry Help Desk - Start using Python and Git

Software Carpentry is a voluntee based project that, since 1998, has been teaching researchers in science, engineering, medicine, and related disciplines the computing skills they need to get more done in less time and with less pain. With more that 100 workshops worldwide, Software Carpentry is training a significant part of the next generation of researchers and data scientists.

Normally, Software Carpentry workshop is a 2-day event that covers Bash, Git and Python. Instructors will teach how to navigate among files and directories using the command line, how to manipulate files using the command line, how to use Git to version controls your project, how to restore a old version of a file if you are using Git, how to create Python variables, how to create Python functions, how to create plots with matplotlib, … The material used in the workshops is available online under a open source license.

The feedback received from workshop hosts, workshop attendees and readers of the online lessons has been very positive. Learners at the workshop enjoy the hands on approach that Software Carpentry uses during the workshop.

The goal of this help desk is to assist any beginner to solve their problem and be more confident when using Bash, Git and Python. EuroPython attendees are invited to read the online Software Carpentry lessons and visit the help desk to solve any questions they have.

in on Friday 14 July at 10:30 See schedule
in on Friday 14 July at 14:00 See schedule

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